Is it Constipation or a Blockage?

Jul 12, 2021

Both conditions can look alike in the early stages. In both cases, the first sign is usually little or no output. What you choose to do at this point can make it better or much worse, depending on whether it’s actually constipation or a blockage.  

So how do you know which condition to treat for? If you’re passing gas, it’s probably constipation – particularly if you’re a colostomate. If you’re not passing gas, it’s more likely a blockage, particularly if your abdomen is distended. Beyond that, the best you can do is figure out all the possibilities and go with the most likely. The scenarios on the next page are examples of ostomates figuring out what they’re probably dealing with. Just remember – if you start having pain, vomiting, and/or significant nausea, stop whatever you’re doing and seek medical attention!  

Courtesy Joan Scott, author of The Ostomy Raft